Join the 7 Day Rock Your Closet Challenge
Our 7 Day Rock Your Closet Challenge is starting:
Monday, May 20th 2024

Join the 7 Day Rock Your Closet Challenge to give your closet a full makeover in minutes a day!!

How does it work??

Each day of the Challenge I'll share one quick task. Complete the task any time during the day, and share/follow as others also complete the tasks. We'll celebrate our small steps together all week!

When you register you'll also get the task checklist & my favorite closet products list FREE!

You CAN do this, Beautiful!!!

Join the challenge by clicking the yellow button below and completing the registration on the page that opens. 

Meet your challenge guide - Suzanna Kaye

Since 2006 Suzanna Kaye has been a Professional Organizer, Speaker & Productivity Coach, both online and in-person, transitioning to supporting her followers mostly online around 2018.

She loves sharing the mental side of organizing along with practical strategies and tools to take the stress out of papers & clutter.

YOU can reach new levels of happiness in your home and life - one small step at a time.
Suzanna Kaye Organizing (c) 2006-2023
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