49+ Easy Ways To Show Love Today and Every Day
49+ Easy Ways To Show Love Today and Every Day
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By Ruth Zeman

Simple acts that take little or no time or money

  • Let someone in while in traffic
  • Smile at someone
  • Bring an empty cart back into the store as you go in
  • Say thank you to someone
  • Call someone (especially an elderly or homebound person) just to say hi
  • Tell someone else about these ideas so they can do them too
  • Text someone to let them know you love them or are thinking of them
  • Pay for the person's coffee behind you at a coffee shop
  • Buy a small gift card to give to a random person
  • Talk to a homeless person and listen to their story
  • Tell someone they are doing a great job
  • Wave at someone
  • Give a hug
  • Send a thank you or thinking of you note by regular mail
  • Pray for someone
  • Donate to a charity
  • Hold the door for a stranger
  • Let someone else have a closer parking space
  • Bring your neighbor's trash cans up and put them away
  • Make someone laugh
  • Share a happy thought or quote on social media
  • Leave an extra tip in a tip jar
  • Leave a note for someone to tell them they're awesome
  • Pick up a piece of trash
  • Buy some food and give it to the first hungry homeless person you see
  • Call your parents, siblings, grandparents, etc.
  • Pet someone's dog (ask first)
  • Tell someone their baby is beautiful, fun, has a cute outfit - whatever is true and kind
  • Wish someone a good day
  • Talk to someone while waiting in line
  • Drop off donations to a charity
  • Offer to help someone homebound by running an errand
  • Surprise someone with a little gift (something tiny that they may like - gum, a flower, etc.)
  • Call or text someone who has lost a loved one and share a memory of their loved one with them
  • Send someone an old, happy photo of themselves
  • Share a post on social media that encourages others to do good
  • Sing a song out loud where other people can hear
  • Compliment a stranger
  • Dance with someone
  • Forgive someone
  • Let go of one item from your home that has a negative memory attached to it
  • Leave a nice note on someone's car
  • Speak up for someone
  • Tell a coworker they're doing a great job
  • Bring someone a coffee
  • Be silly in a fun way so people who see it will smile
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line
  • Thank a public service worker (trash man, police officer, postman, etc.)
  • Hold someone you love even tighter today and be thankful for their safety and health
  • Share this post on Facebook to keep the love going

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