How to Create a Simple Bullet Journal
How to Create a Simple Bullet Journal
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What is a Bullet Journal?  If you're new to the idea, it's a planner scheduler that you create around your needs and not a preprinted or digital system. Many of us prefer the act of writing things down and this is a way to collect your ideas, dates to remember, tasks and more.
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In a nutshell, a bullet journal is a simple way to capture what you need to do.

Whether you're planning your entire year or simply brain dumping information a bullet journal allows you to come back to those thoughts. Many types of bullet journals have popped up on Pinterest and it's grown into a movement. However, don't let all the fancy stuff overwhelm you. The basic framework that I demonstrated is all you truly need.

Consider using a rocket book for your bullet journal. Check out my video on the magic of a rocket book here.

Remember, if it doesn't fit on a sticky note, it won't fit into a day. I purposely put on my day limited tasked and fire time. Fire time is a block of time where I have NOTHING. Usually an hour in the middle of my day. This block allows me to take care of a higher priority item or emergency that would normal derail me. I use my fire time to catch up and if I don't, then I use it to catch up on other things. Such as writing thank you notes.

          Post it notes make great tabs!

          I've got stacks of post-it notes and use them to flip through my journal quickly. How many post it notes are stuck around your home? Do you have notes written on envelopes, floating in piles or lists in multiple places?

          Keeping track of these tiny pieces of data is stressful! Create freedom and confidence with these simplified bullet journal-style techniques. Whether digital or paper, stay organized and learn how to keep track of multiple notes & lists (without a million papers floating around), check out the "Organize ALL Your Notes, Ideas, Lists & More webinar". 

          Putting this all together is like a calm meditative moment. Allowing you to gently be quiet in your space while planning. Which is a great habit.

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