More Clever Travel Tips
More Clever Travel Tips
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By Ruth Zeman

While you're probably not preparing for Hogwarts you don't have to be a sad muggle when you travel. Although we'll both agree floo powder would make life much easier. Travelling can still be fun and enjoyable.

Here are some more clever travel tips you're going to want to start using immediately!
1. Make a quick fix tool bag:

  • Wrap a bit of duct tape or gaffe tape around a pill bottle or pen so you don't need to bring the whole roll. I ended up using a little flashlight I had on hand. Safety pins, rubber bands, binder clips. To fix a gap in the curtains, temporarily hem a pair of pants, fix broken luggage, create a finger splint, you get the idea.

2. Extension cord:

  • Admit it, I don't have to explain this in the time of cell phone chargers and stuff. These magical tools make us feel like wizards, it wouldn't do to let them lose power.

3. Suction Cup Hooks:

  • To hold your stuff in the shower. Way better than the floor or tub side. You went swimming? Hang your suit there too!

4. Collapsible Water Bottle:

  • These are genius everywhere. I keep one in my car too. So many countries don't have water fountains readily available. Also this will save you the $200 bucks you could spend on airport water!

5. Slip on Shoes:

  • Not clever? Ah, try elastic shoes. Yup, shoes with elastic laces for a speed fit.

6. Zip-Lock Bags:

  • Hold liquids, to contain spills. Hold paperwork, memorabilia, trash gathered on the plane, gather little items, super stinky clothing.

7. Pop-Up Laundry Hamper:

  • In a hotel room, this is genius. You can find these at the Dollar Tree, Walmart, Amazon, etc...

8. Band-Aids:

  • Best to have them on hand. When you need them, you want yours. I'm currently sporting kitties and puppies on my finger but don't you want cool ones like these?

9. Trash bag:

  • Fits in a small spot. Use as a rain poncho, hold wet clothes, sit on the ground. Cover your luggage. Worth it.

10. Pill Box:

  • Use for earrings, camera memory cards, hair ties, safety pins, you get the idea.

11. Create a grab bag in your carry on for sitting on the plane:

  • Use a Ziploc bag. Headphones, hand sanitizes, wipes, rose water face mist.

12. Shoe inserts benefit from essential oils:

  • Peppermint and eucalyptus are great at covering up odors. Pull them out in your hotel room to combat odors. Fabric sheets tucked in while packing also keep things fresh smelling. 

          Okay, I lied.

          I'm going to tell you to roll your clothes but this time put them in a plastic bag first. Roll, squeezing out the air and creating a vacuum seal. Smart right?

          Finally when packing be sure to leave room in your bag. If you've followed the above tips you'll find that you've built in room but just in case, do leave room.

          Tell me in the comments, which travel tips are you going to try when you travel next?

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